How You Can Remove Late Payments From Your Credit Reports

How You Can Remove Late Payments From Your Credit Reports

  • Posted By: Admin
  • Posted On: 2018-04-09 06:22:06
  • Category: Blogs

If there is an appearance of late payment on your credit reports definitely, it will bad impact on your credit report and force you to Fix Credit Rating as soon as it can be. As known to everyone, a major part of healthy FICO Credit Score depends on the payment history. No longer you need to suffer from late payments on your credit report as you can use the best three useful tricks, are significantly counted to remove the late payment faster.

3 Steps For Removing Late Payment

Request To The Original Creditor For A Goodwill Adjustment To Remove Late Payments

The quite simple way is to request a Goodwill adjustment. It refers to request the creditor to remove the late payment list as a gesture of goodwill. For this, you can contact on call or can write a goodwill/forgiveness letter to the original creditor. This idea will also work to Increase Credit Score if you have last good impact on your creditor. It simply depends on the creditor, sometimes your creditor gets happy to provide ‘Goodwill Adjustments’ keeping your last positive payment history or a good relationship with the creditor.

Negotiate Removal Offering Sign Up For Automatic Payments

This trick works for both creditor and borrower. Following this method, the creditor gets agree to remove the late payment only if you accept to sign up for automatic payments. From your side, the negative items like late payments are removed from the credit report and the creditor gets benefits of receiving each monthly payment on time. The strategy results well when you had trouble with your past payment unwillingly and now you show yourself financially able to Fix Poor Credit Rating faster. Moreover, sing up for automatic payment is best for the customers who bind to a long-term deal.

Make Your Late Payment A Dispute Of Inaccuracy

In case following the two methods you are unable to remove the late payments then get ready to make a dispute of late payment inaccuracy from credit bureaus. This can happen if you find any inaccurate information about the late payments on your credit report. For this you can go through the past payments date, payment amount and relevant details to make sure about inaccurate information. Stay aware, you can dispute within only 30 business days issued by the law.

Finally, if you want to remove the late payment charges professionally then you can approach Credit Repair Company like Priority Tradelines. We legally work to Fix your Credit Rating in less than 30 days. Besides the late payment removal, we ensure to Boost Credit Score Overnight.

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