Frequently Asked Questions

AU Tradelines

A tradeline is an consumer’s credit account status and activity – for example, a credit card account or auto loan. Tradeline information includes names of the lender/bank where the applicant has accounts, the date that the accounts were opened, credit limits, account types, balances owed, and payment histories.

Authorized user tradelines are typically revolving lines of credit on which a primary cardholder with excellent credit adds someone as an authorized user or joint account holder. The tradeline then appears on the authorized user’s credit report. This action alone causes the entire history of the account to be reported as a tradeline on the (clients) credit report. The primary cardholder’s excellent credit history allows the authorized user to benefit and see an improvement to their credit score. Not only is the account history recorded, but also the credit limit and the month and year the account was established.

Adding an authorized user is legal. The process is explained in the primary cardholder’s credit card agreement. 1. There are no laws prohibiting the purchase of authorized user slots. 2. Credit repair attempts are not potential criminal activities. 3. Using authorized user tradelines is a widespread, recognized, and accepted practice in the credit industry.

No, the authorized user is never given access to the primary card holders credit card information. The primary cardholder does not need to share any personal or confidential data with the client (s).

Authorized users can only be added to credit cards and department store cards. These are considered revolving accounts. Priority Tradelines only add our clients to their personal credit report and not business account (s).

Please allow up to 1-2 days after the reporting date for the tradelines to post or appear on your credit report. It is important to update or refresh your credit report around the reporting time of your tradeline to see it reflect on your report. Reporting dates are listed on the buy Tradeline page and vary depending on the tradeline selected.

Our authorized user tradelines are good for 3 months/3 cycles. If you need a tradeline for a longer period of time, you may request an extension for an additional fee. Extensions are good for situations such as business funding, pre-approval or closing mortgages, or growing and rebuilding your credit score. We ask that you notify us via email 30 days prior to your tradeline expiration date.

No, the authorized user does not receive a card for use. The authorized user benefits from the account history, and credit limit.

Requirements vary however, credit card companies request the authorized user’s full legal name, social security number, date of birth, and current mailing address.

If the tradeline does not appear on the report within 2 days after the reporting date, please fill out the Non-Posting form at the bottom of our home page ( Our team will carefully review each case to ensure we meet your needs. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for information regarding refunds and other concerns.

We update our website after each transaction to ensure that clients view and order the most current inventory. We also load new tradelines on the 3rd weekend of the month for the next upcoming month.

Tradelines vary on how effective they can impact a client's score. There are various factors that help determine an increase. For best practices please make sure that your credit has been repaired prior to adding tradelines. Derogatory items, such as collections and late payments will need to be removed first to see the best increase to your score. When shopping for a tradeline the "age of the account" column also known as "credit history" is important, the older tradeline you select the better the increase. We do not guarantee how many points you receive due to the various factors of credit. Some clients get 10-20, 40, or even 80 points or more. For better understanding you may schedule a consultation.

If you're interested in becoming a card holder and earning money an additional stream of income for part-time work, please review our Sell tradelines page. You may also visit our broker and affiliate page to learn about how earn money offering our tradelines to potential clients, family members and friends.

The number of tradelines needed are based on case by case and depends on your overall goal and condition of credit. If you have a light credit profile you may benefits by purchasing 2-3 tradelines. To give you a better understanding of how many you will need contact us and we can assist you.

Prices vary for different tradelines because of their credit limit and age (credit history). This is because a Tradeline with a lower limit or younger age will not have as big of an impact as line with older age.

We get asked this question all the time. The responsibility of the AU/Tradeline to post to the bureau is solely up to the lender/bank. We cannot control that process. However, certain lenders post to all 3, while some post to 2/3. Equifax is usually one that some tradeline may not post to. Again, we can't control that part. You can still qualify for a home, car, credit card with tradelines that post to 2/3 bureaus. If you need a tradeline to hit all 3, schedule a call or consultation. **We will provide additional steps to help posting but can't guarantee that all tradelines will hit all three bureaus**

Payments are secured and made Zelle payments. Payments are submitted while completing the order form. For smoother processing download Zelle prior to placing your order.

We are open Monday through Friday 10AM-7PM (Central Standard Time) and closed for the weekend.

Tradelines are not recommended to clients who have several negative/derogatory items, collections, late payments, bankruptcies, and charged-off accounts. Tradelines are most effective when the credit is clear from negative items to see greatest increase to your credit score. If you need assistance, please contact a credit repair agency to remove items before purchasing tradelines. If you have a "Thin File" that means you have a lack of revolving accounts such as credit cards.

No, the price on the website is a one-time payment the 3 months of reporting period. Your 3 months start when the Tradelines is reflected on your credit report and time does not start when you purchase it. You may extend/renew your tradeline if would like it to stay on your credit report. Our system will notify you automatically regarding your renewal.

Unfortunately, we do not offer tradelines to build your business credit. Our tradelines are for your personal credit only. You can use your personal credit as a Personal Guarantee (PG) to start building your business credit. Which means you can add these tradelines to boost your personal credit score and still qualify for business credit/loans.

To verify the information on the order form we require that all clients upload their current Driver's license both front and back and their official social security card that was provided by the Social Security Administration. DO NOT UPLOAD A Counterfeit SS CARD/CPN made SS CARD. WE MONITOR AND WILL VERIFY. Furthermore, CPNs are not supported on our platform and no refunds will be provided. CPN Information will be provided to your local authorities.

With each tradeline the balance owed, or utilization rate is 10% and under. In most cases accounts do not carry a balance and other do. If you need a tradeline with a balance contact us as specific lenders may want to see a current balance.

A thin file means that you like credit accounts both revolving and installment accounts (credit cards/Auto loans) which are imperative to increase your score. If you have a thin file then you will need more than 1 tradeline or you may need to open more accounts to help the tradeline report. If you do not have a credit card/auto loan then you are considered to have a thin file. We recommend having 3-5 accounts open on your credit report.
